OMAHA — August 20, 2018 — Awaiting the impending arrival of a little one affectionately known as “Rooster,” has kept company dancer Erin Alarcon on her toes — in every way.
Preparing for the birth of a first child is an exciting, eventful, and occasionally exhausting time for any young professional. When the mom-to-be is a professional ballet dancer, resting your feet at the end of a long day takes on a whole new meaning.

So, when are you due, Erin?
August 20th. It’s finally here!
When did you and your husband find out that you were having a baby?
We found out three days after our performances of The Nutcracker here in Omaha. We’re wondering if he’ll end up being a fan.
How long did you train through your pregnancy?
I was fortunate enough to perform through five months, and took my last class with everyone on Friday!
Did you make modifications as Rooster grew?
I did stop most allegro work around seven months once I started to experience back pain from it. Other than that, I’ve just been careful to listen to my body and take things class by class.

Why do we call him Rooster?
My husband, Nate, was watching The Ranch when we found out I was pregnant. There’s a character on the show named Rooster and he kept begging me to name our baby that. I told him we could call the baby Rooster until he was out!
Do you have a(nother) name picked out?
We do! Although, I’m sure Rooster will stick around as a nickname.
Are you taking some time off?
Yes, I will be taking off for Momentum but plan to be back for our performances of The Nutcracker – where it all started!
What have you enjoyed about this journey?
I have loved how supportive the entire company has been. Not only the dancers but also our artistic and production staffs have such a special place in my heart! I’m looking forward to rejoining everyone soon and introducing them to Rooster!