Introducing Alice!
Alice in Wonderland is headed your way, so we’ve asked the dancers to help introduce you to some of the characters you’ll meet in this imaginative, delightfully original ballet. First up: Why, Alice herself, of course!
In our story, there are two versions of the character: “Alice,” whom we meet first, and “Alice in Wonderland”, who emerges as the tale unfolds. We’ll let our cast members explain:

Erin Alarcón [Alice in Wonderland]: “Choreographer Kennet Oberly was a master craftsman when it came to storytelling. We start the ballet seeing Alice – and in Hall of Mirrors, we meet Alice in Wonderland. As she goes through the looking-glass, she encounters many characters who help her answer the Caterpillar’s famous question: ‘Who are you?’
“The Author scene for me is one of the most poignant parts of this ballet. Alice in Wonderland comes upon the Author, Lewis Carroll. He brings out all the characters in her story and then hands the book to her, as if to say ‘the story is in your hands.’ I love the messaging that Kennet wove into this scene that tells Alice in Wonderland that she has the power to write her own story.”

Kogan Larsen [Alice]: “There is something about the way my character, Alice, chases around after the white rabbit – it feels like time is passing and I can’t quite catch up. It feels nostalgic and a little bit like when you are growing up and you wish to be older, only to realize how foolish that was.”

Kelanie Murphy [Alice in Wonderland]: “In rehearsals I have loved becoming Alice in Wonderland and embracing Alice’s curious, playful and adventurous spirit. As she journeys through Wonderland, Alice welcomes new experiences and learns lessons from others along the way – discovering more and more about who she is herself and what she is capable of becoming.
“In a way, learning a complex role in a ballet is a lot like a journey through Wonderland. You learn what you are capable of, and of course, enjoy the adventure with help and inspiration from the people you are surrounded by.”
Get Your Tickets Now:
- Hoff Family Arts & Culture Center, Council Bluffs: April 12 & 13
- Omaha’s Orpheum Theater: April 26 & 27