Donate Blood with Dracula

There is nothing scarier than a blood shortage. Dracula and his Vampire Brides teamed up on October 24 with the American Red Cross to make a donation to the blood bank – rather than a withdrawal.

Millard Public Library was the setting this time for the Red Cross and Omaha Public Library’s monthly ‘Read and Bleed’ blood drive. The event provided an opportunity for donors to meet the cast of American Midwest Ballet’s season opener Dracula days prior to its performance at the Orpheum on October 28. It also provided a lighthearted opportunity to support the serious business of donating blood.
Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood. Platelets and blood are used for trauma victims, patients receiving treatment for leukemia and cancer, heart surgery patients, organ transplant patients, premature babies and mothers experiencing complications during childbirth, and other life saving situations.
The American Red Cross currently distributes blood to hospitals as quickly as it comes in. You can help American Midwest Ballet and Red Cross ensure a stable blood supply by donating blood or platelets today. All blood types are needed to help maintain a sufficient supply for hospital patients, especially types O negative, B negative and A negative.
Orpheum Theater
October 28 at 8 p.m.

Tickets on sale now

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